He was obviously praying in tongues at the time!!
He was obviously praying in tongues at the time!!
snowbird said it on 20th December 2008 on JWD
so what now...this just takes over my internet.......and i have tried system restore...and symantec....crap............oompa.
You might find this thread by restrangled helpful:
If I understood it right, you need disable system restore and then run your virus scanner/do a cleanup?
have posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
Maybe away from our physical senses, but in all the hearts he has touched he is still very near!
I knew I should have stopped clicking after the first time mr BK appeared!
i am, for now a witness on the outside, and still believe in god most of the time.
i have read dawkins "the god delusion", found it pretty interesting and helped me understand why athiests believe the way they do.
but i always have that really bothers me about deism is the thought that god has always existed and always will, had no beginning and no end.
one that really bothers me about deism is the thought that god has always existed and always will, had no beginning and no end.
Think - when was 'the' beginning? when is 'the' end?
Talking with pubsinger once, he suggested that as a JW, its hard to get your head around the question you pose because the word 'eternal' is avoided (it is translated as 'time immemorial' in the NWT) - therefore, a JW will automatically have the concept that eternal = 'a very, very, very long time'. In reality though, eternal does not strictly mean that - it means without a beginning or end - it is not measureable by current scientific methods. In effect, 'eternity' - and God - is outside the human 'timeframe'.
We live in eternity - when did this very moment begin? When does it end?
Perhaps the same with God - in the same moment, every moment of every day, He both begins and ends - eternal is very big and very small all at the same time.
just to let everyone on here who knows my dad, that he is seriously ill, and unfortunately on life support.
he has renal and respiratory failure as a result of the quickest onset of pneumonia i have ever seen... it came on in the early hours of this morning.
he is waiting for an intensive care bed but the nearest one is 200 miles away.
I'm so relieved they didn't have to ship him to another hospital!
Sending prayers and good wishes your way. May you all have healing and peace of mind and heart whatever the outcome.
although not a strictly "christmas" movie it has to be little women with winona ryder.
i recently saw the katherine hepburn version a few days ago and it was ok, but this one is really wonderful, with great music.
Close run between A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol.
Post above is Pubsinger's selections embedded!